SlimJet Browser Review

2022年10月17日—I'vebeenusingslimjet.Itislightweight,hasgooglesync,turbodownloader(built-in),videodownloaderandwhatnot.It'snotformajor ...,Slimjetreviewby:TudorSprinceana:4.5/5.Slimjetisabrowserthatattemptstocreatetheperfectonlineaccessingmix.,202...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Do you think Slimjet browser is safe enough to make it main?

2022年10月17日 — I've been using slimjet. It is lightweight, has google sync, turbo downloader (built-in), video downloader and whatnot. It's not for major ...

Download Slimjet

Slimjet review by: Tudor Sprinceana: 4.5/5. Slimjet is a browser that attempts to create the perfect online accessing mix.


2020年2月27日 — Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which ...

Slimjet Browser Review

2023年10月4日 — Slimjet is a solid browser, but it's not exactly lightweight and will end up consuming considerable resources after running for a while. Though ...

Slimjet, best browser for potato PCs?

2023年10月1日 — So far the best results I've got (and the program I'm using right now) come frome SlimJet. - fast and responsive all the time, even with many ...


It's a neat little browser that has all the functionalities you are accustomed to in any standard web browser such as Google Chrome. It has a few features of ...


Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome ...

What are the pros and cons of the new chromium

2014年8月14日 — Slimjet is the best Chrome-based browsers, IMHO. It has low memory footprint, has built-in adblocker (although I use UBLOCK ORIGIN and ...


2022年10月17日—I'vebeenusingslimjet.Itislightweight,hasgooglesync,turbodownloader(built-in),videodownloaderandwhatnot.It'snotformajor ...,Slimjetreviewby:TudorSprinceana:4.5/5.Slimjetisabrowserthatattemptstocreatetheperfectonlineaccessingmix.,2020年2月27日—Slimjetisafast,smartandpowerfulwebbrowserbasedontheBlinkengine.ItisbuiltontopoftheChromiumopensourceproject,onwhich ...,2023年10月4日—Slimj...